Sunday, August 10, 2008

Other Things I Haven't Told You

You can receive “snail mail” in Burundi. I know because I have received two handwritten letters from my dear friend, Martha. However, it takes about a month to get here from the States.

I iron my underwear now. No, I haven’t become overly prim and proper. I wash my clothes at Trina and Seth’s on the weekends and hang it out to dry. Supposedly, there is something called a mango fly that can burrow into your clothes on the line and then infect your skin. Heat kills them. Urban legend?! Maybe, but I’m not taking any chances.

I have super powers. Some of you already know about my ability to turn off street lamps. Well, since there are no street lamps in Burundi, my skills have turned to knocking off door handles. If only I could find a meaningful use for these special powers.

Snakes can fly. At least that’s what Jean Baptiste said about the snake that our cook killed in our yard. It was fluorescent, bright green, poisonous and hiding in the bushes right at the entrance of our walkway. About an hour after its demise, we spotted another one nearby. I guess there are quite a few in the eucalyptus grove. Ignorance is bliss!

There is a song about “Beth” or “Betta” in Kirundi. I know because Emile and Jean Baptiste sing it to me! I got them to sing and dance for me so I could videotape it! I promised I would only show it to Josiah and Gabrielle so you’ll have to take my word for it.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

i miss your super powers. glad you have a new use for them in Africa!